Rabu, Mac 16, 2011

Salam semua...

How are you today guys? Fine, great, fresh, strong? Hihi...I hope so. Me fine, insya Allah. Just wanna let you know that we finally SPRING here in UK! Alhamdulillah. But there are still not many flowers blossom yet. Coz baru nak start spring kan. However, luckily, I've got some pictures to show you what I've found today at  uni. Look!

So beautiful, isn't it?

Zoom in the yellow flowers.

The wonderful pink flowers. *my favourite colour ok!* 
(sorry, quite bias with pinky things. haha)

Red one.

Purple in action! hihi

Jangan tak tahu, bunga warna biru pun ada taw!;-)

And this is the modest flowers, white colour. Sooooo pretty! Subhanallah...

See, bunga-bunga baru nak berputik....Masya Allah... Cantik...

Ni overview kat belakang uni. Cantik kan?:-)

Yea..tu je bunga-bunga yang ada setakat ni. Nanti bila bunga dah start tumbuh betul-betul saya share lagi ye. Ok, sesambil enjoy the flowers tu, jangan lupa to enjoy the moments in your life as well. Stay smile ok! May Allah bless each one of you. Till we meet again! *hugs*

Love you as always, 
diDiE AiNoRi


Nurul QisDhira berkata...

wah ! bestnya.....untung dpt tgk bunga2 yg segar dan cantik kt sana... ;).... semua nyer cantik2..warna warni ~~~

dR.DidiE berkata...

kan2..cantik kan.suke sangat spring.dapat tengok kebesaran ALLAH pada bunga-bunga..:-)

Nurul QisDhira berkata...

tu la..bertuahnya kalo dpt tgk live..teringin sya...hahaha..berangan je la...
x pun mimpi je la kan ! mmg cantik semua ciptaan Allah SWT !

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