Respon buat yang kesiankan polis. Anda nilailah sendiri. Saya tak nak cakap banyak...
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Saya memang sedih dengn apa yang terjadi. Cuba juga fikir...perhimpunan dah diharamkan...illegal...against the law...tanya Datuk Ambiga..dia LAWyer.
Negotiation...amaran...dah berminggu....dah cakap jangan pergi...
Kalau saya dilarang tutup aurat, kalau masjid dilarang laung azan, kalau ceramah-ceramah agama dimasjid, ofis, TV, radio dan mana-mana dilarang, saya sendiri dan anak bujang saya akan pergi berjuang. Negara dah aman buat apa nak huru-harakan?
Kalau ada orang ambik kesempatan tembak, polis juga disalahkan.
Kalau ada rompakan bank (jelas illegal), polis pergi dok senyum je ke?
Kalau ada saudara kamu dirogol, dikerat dan dibakar...siapa yang akan selesaikan?
For your information my husband is an ENT surgeon in a private hospital. His friend a Neurosurgeon was the one treating Anwar in Pantai Hospital. He said on MSN "he was shot directly by police", (as though police are aiming at him) but in actual fact he fell because people are trying to avoid the canister.
You should be intelligent enough to differentiate.....
Our country is peaceful and one of the riches in south east asia with GDP of 6.5%.
Everybody is after that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, except PAS, but they are in the wrong group. PAS should STAND alone.
By the way this is just my personal opinion, everybody has a right, right? So don't get personal. I care because we are all Muslims...we are sisters....
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